Books, books, and more books.

I LOVE BOOKS! That might not be that unusual but I also love all different genres of books. I read Science fiction, Christian fiction, Historical fiction, non fiction, Westerns, Teen books, kids books, and yes I like a good Vampire book. I've loved Vampires and Werewolves WAY before the Twilight books. I'm a bookseller at a retail book store so I get to be around books all day long. I've been a bookseller for two stores at different times so I've been doing this for over 13 years. Recently, with the advancement of ebook readers I've become a Nookseller, as well, selling Nook ebook readers, accessories, and ebooks. I have a Nookcolor which is wonderful and one of the best Christmas presents I've ever gotten. I can carry THOUSANDS of books around with me and read as much as possible. When I thought about writing a blog, I thought why not write about the wonderful, and the not so wonderful books that I am reading. Maybe give somebody a behind the cover look at a book they are thinking about reading or helping them discover a new series. A way to share my love of books and the true joy that they can bring.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

In My Hands: Memories of a Holocaust Rescuer by Irene Opdyke

In My Hands is a truly amazing, if at times gut wrenching, book. Irene is a 17 year old nursing student in Poland in the late 1930s. When the Germans and Russians invade, at the start of WWII, splitting Poland down the middle she is thrown in a horrible situation where most people, let alone a young innocent girl would have given up. She goes through so many horrors, including gang rape from Russian soldiers, where she was almost beaten to death but somehow survives. When the Russians and Germans break the treaty and all out war begins with Poland being pushed and pulled between them she ends up running to the German side to try to find her family only to realize that her nightmare had just started. She watches while Jewish men, women, and children, are shot down in the street and murdered right outside the hotel where she is working for the SS and Gestapo. She decides she is through just watching and doing nothing, even if she is "just a girl", she begins feeding, hiding, and doing anything she can and risking everything she has to help them. This is the true story of an unbelievably courageous woman who put her life at risk every day for other people. This book might be ok for teens to read but I think it is a little too much for under 12 to handle. Too much death and torture, and a horrible scene with a baby that was so bad even Irene couldn't really grasp it after everything she had seen. It leaves you in wonder of how people could still have hope and not give up after all this, and how one young girl could possibly have so much courage.

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